Buy Property of 25 Ha , 5 km south west of the city of Matagalpa Nicaragua

Buy Property of 25 Ha , 5 km south west of the city of Matagalpa , with Solingalpa , Well reforested , pleasant climate , suitable for crops such as grains, veg
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270 000 00 $
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669 veces
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505 8607 7837 505 8726 3532
schedule ¡El aviso finalizó hace más de 1 año!
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Buy Property of 25 Ha , 5 km south west of the city of Matagalpa , with Solingalpa , Well reforested , pleasant climate , suitable for crops such as grains, vegetables (tomatoes , sweet pepper ) , cucurbits , fruit , passion fruit , chia , etc.; jaragua areas of pasture with grass, small areas with coffee, tropical dry forest area , groundwater opulent to build wells. With own entrance , all-weather road , electricity , water , brick house, can be exploited as a tourist estate , ideal for building CANOPY as entertainment, previously worked, Restaurant, Rancho Santa Elena Campestre . 270,000 dollars value 25 Ha. Negotiable , For more information call tel. 505 8607 7837 505 8726 3532 E-mail:

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