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Equipos Médicos en Salud y Belleza

7 avisos registrados - Pág: 1 de 1  -  Avisos por pág.

Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine
The next generation of the industry’s best-selling dental mill has kept everything users love, and then made it even better.
10 100 00 $ Equipos Médicos en Salud y Belleza - Entire Country

Automatic Perimeter Zeiss Humphrey Field Analyzer HFA 3 / 830 Automatic Perimeter Zeiss Humphrey Field Analyzer HFA 3 / 830
The New Humphrey Field Analyzer 3 from ZEISS Sets a New Standard for Efficient Visual Field Testing
9 150 00 $ Equipos Médicos en Salud y Belleza - Entire Country

Mindray M7 Ultrasound Machine Mindray M7 Ultrasound Machine
The Mindray M7 is the best selling compact system from Mindray. This system break a bias of Chinese ultrasound systems with great performance.
8 100 00 $ Equipos Médicos en Salud y Belleza - Entire Country

Alma Legato II Fractional RF Skin Resurfacing Laser Alma Legato II Fractional RF Skin Resurfacing Laser
WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Dermatology Laser to any country of the world. We supply best of quality Dermatology Laser
7 550 00 $ Equipos Médicos en Salud y Belleza - Entire Country

Mindray M9 Ultrasound Machine Mindray M9 Ultrasound Machine
WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device
12 500 00 $ Equipos Médicos en Salud y Belleza - Entire Country

Automatic Perimeter Zeiss Humphrey Field Analyzer HFA 3 / 830 Automatic Perimeter Zeiss Humphrey Field Analyzer HFA 3 / 830
WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device
10 650 00 $ Equipos Médicos en Salud y Belleza - Entire Country

Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine Roland DWX-52D 5-Axis Dental Milling Machine
WWW.NURSOFYAN.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Medical Electronic, Dental Equipment, Ultrasound Machine and Ophthalmic Device
10 550 00 $ Equipos Médicos en Salud y Belleza - Entire Country

7 avisos registrados - Pág: 1 de 1  -  Avisos por pág.