Enhancing Scanned Photo Quality

Learn how to enhance scanned photo quality by adjusting resolution, removing dust, color correction, and sharpening. Preserve memories for years to come. Visit
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Enhancing Scanned Photo Quality

Scanning printed photos can result in a decrease in image quality due to factors like resolution, dust particles, and improper handling. To enhance the scanned photo quality, there are several techniques and tips that can be employed.

Resolution Adjustment

When scanning a photo, ensure that the resolution is set to a minimum of 300 DPI (dots per inch) to capture fine details. Higher resolution settings can result in crisper and more detailed images.

Dust and Scratches Removal

Use image editing software to remove dust particles, scratches, and other imperfections from the scanned photo. This can greatly enhance the overall quality of the image.

Color Correction

Adjusting the color balance, saturation, and contrast can make a significant difference in the quality of a scanned photo. Correcting these aspects can bring out the true colors and details of the image.

Image Sharpening

Utilize sharpening tools in photo editing software to enhance the clarity and sharpness of the scanned photo. However, be cautious not to over-sharpen, as it can lead to a loss of image quality.


By following these techniques and tips, it is possible to significantly enhance the quality of scanned photos, preserving precious memories for years to come.

For more advanced editing or restoration, consider seeking professional services or specialized software designed for enhancing scanned photo quality.

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